An invitation to collaborate and reintroduction to GAATW Canada

Year Published: 2024

The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) Canada was formed in 1996 to address human trafficking through a migrant rights and labour rights approach.

Over the years, we’ve worked with women’s, 2SLGBTQAI+, sex worker rights, and labour organizations locally, nationally, and globally to critique carceral anti-trafficking initiatives and promote evidence-based policy, advocacy, and research.


We are currently revitalizing the organization with a renewed commitment to action and advocacy to make concrete political and social change in the anti-trafficking landscape across Canada.


Recently, GAATW Canada:

  • incorporated as a federal non-profit organization
  • convened a Board of Directors
  • updated our mission
  • developed a website
  • received funding to conduct new research, and
  • engaged in advocacy at national and international levels.

GAATW Canada will also bring expertise to international anti-trafficking, labour, migration, and human rights spaces and processes to hold the Canadian government accountable to its international commitments.


An invitation to collaborate

Moving forward, we will convene a national coalition of people who aspire for Canada to adopt evidence-based anti-trafficking approaches, are impacted by harmful anti-trafficking initiatives, and advocate or work in employment sectors where labour exploitation is not adequately addressed due to the excessive focus on trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and harmful labour and migration policies.

We are beginning to strategize ways GAATW Canada can involve you and best support collaborative efforts to address the knowledge produced about human trafficking in Canada, as well as anti-trafficking prevention and response efforts.

We plan to organize national and regional convenings to discuss gaps and emerging issues, as well as plan joint advocacy.

We would love to hear your thoughts and work together with you to ensure rights and justice for all survivors of trafficking and precarious workers in Canada!

Please sign up to our mailing list or contact us directly if you would like to be part of this nationally coordinated effort to effect much-needed change in the Canadian anti-trafficking landscape.