2010 Winter Games Analysis on Human Trafficking

Year Published: 2013

In 2010, GAATW Canada researchers conducted a qualitative research project, funded by Public Safety Canada, on possible increases in transnational and domestic human trafficking in British Columbia in connection with the 2010 Vancouver Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The research involved examining available data on the link between trafficking in persons and previous mega sporting events; analyzing media, online, and public discussions that focused on human trafficking before and during the Olympic Games; and conducting telephone, in-person, and e-mail interviews with 61 key informants, federal and provincial representatives, enforcement personnel, members of non-governmental organizations, as well as legal and human rights advocates.

In the process of investigating the main research question, the research team also considered the dynamics of pre-Olympic anti-trafficking discourses and campaigns, what trafficking in persons prevention measures were implemented by governmental, enforcement, and non-governmental sectors and the reported effectiveness of those strategies, as well as the key recommendations that emerged from interview participants.

The research found that sex workers saw a decline in business during the Olympics, contradicting widespread media reports that predicted a surge in demand for sex work and an increase in human trafficking in Vancouver during the mega-sporting event. 


2010 Winter Games Analysis on Human Trafficking

2010 Winter Games Analysis on Human Trafficking. (2013). Funded by Public Safety Canada. 85 pages