February 22 is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Canada. The day offers an opportunity for us to educate ourselves and others about the realities of human trafficking and to advocate for effective solutions. This year, the Global Alliance Against Traffic in...
FIFA 2026 and the Increase in Trafficking in Canada: The Zombie Claim Likely to Gain Momentum in 2025
A zombie claim is a belief that has been repeatedly disproven yet keeps resurfacing. The zombie claim that large sporting events lead to an increase in human trafficking for sexual exploitation originated ahead of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games—the first major sporting...
GAATW Canada Members Join GAATW International Congress
GAATW Canada members attended GAATW’s International Members Congress and Conference in Bangkok from October 15-18 to celebrate the Alliance’s 30th anniversary. The event offered GAATW and its international members opportunities to reflect on their work, review...
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day: Move beyond awareness raising and towards systemic solutions
February 22 is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Canada. Once again, an alarm will sound that human trafficking is a national crisis of epidemic proportions. Awareness will be raised about the signs of trafficking and how to identify victims. But is human...
The Myth about Increased Sex Trafficking during Sporting Events Should Just Die
It’s that time of the year again! Football fans are getting ready for the Super Bowl on 11 February in Las Vegas, Nevada, while the media and some anti-trafficking non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are stoking panic about an increase in sex trafficking in the host...
An invitation to collaborate and reintroduction to GAATW Canada
The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) Canada was formed in 1996 to address human trafficking through a migrant rights and labour rights approach. Over the years, we've worked with women’s, 2SLGBTQAI+, sex worker rights, and labour organizations locally,...