News & Updates

Freedom Network USA‘s annual human trafficking conference
April 18-19, 2024
Salt Lake City, Utah

GAATW Canada members attend Freedom Network USA‘s annual human trafficking conference and explore the diverse approaches Canada and the United States take to address the issues.

Co-Chair Dr. Annalee Lepp lends expertise to the ‘Addressing the harms of anti-trafficking’ panel at British Columbia’s second provincial sex work conference hosted by Living in Community.
October 23, 2023
Vancouver, BC
Co-Chair Dr. Annalee Lepp lends expertise to the ‘Addressing the harms of anti-trafficking’ panel at British Columbia’s second provincial sex work conference hosted by Living in Community.
Is it trafficking? Examining gender-based violence among women who do informal, precarious, non-standard work
October 4, 2023
GAATW Canada begins a multi-year research project.

‘Is it trafficking?’ Examining gender-based violence among women who do informal, precarious, non-standard work is a three-year study based in Western Canada funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada.

National Strategy To Combat Human Trafficking
September 22, 2023
GAATW Canada meets with Public Safety’s Internal Audit and Evaluation Directorate to provide input into the Horizontal Evaluation of the National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking.

The objective of this evaluation is to explore issues of relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency with the intention of informing the upcoming renewal of the National Strategy.

GAATW Canada meets UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, Tomoya Obokata
August 30, 2023
Vancouver, BC

GAATW Canada meets UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, Tomoya Obokata, to discuss labour issues and government legislation and policy that warrant the Special Rapporteur’s attention.

The meeting was part of the Special Rapporteur’s official country visit to Canada, which took place from August 23 to September 6.

We were pleased that many of the issues we raised in our brief were reflected in the Special Rapporteur’s final report.

GAATW visited Tofino in May 2023 for the Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights
May 16, 2023
Tofino, BC
National Director Alison Clancey joins a panel of local activists to speak about community-based activism at the international board meeting of the Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights.
GAATW Canada held an-person board meeting May 2023
May 13, 2023
Victoria, BC
The revitalized GAATW Canada holds an-person board meeting to discuss organizational capacity building and priority actions for the upcoming year.